segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2009

False Friends (Português-Inglês)

Os "false friends" já te colocaram numa saia justa, uma situação muito difícil? Alguma vez você se sentiu como o estrangeiro desse depoimento. Bom, talvez fosse melhor dar uma olhada nessa lista (tirada daqui )  de palavras  que podem confundir o significado das coisas que você quer comunicar.

abuse / abusar = use frequently, has less of the negative connotations of the English word

actual(ly) / atual(mente) = current, nowadays, at the moment. Use “na verdade” or “no fato” to express the idea of the English word.

cigar / cigarro = cigarette

cobra / cobra = snake, all kinds.

compromise / compromisso = commitment. Use “compromater” to express the idea of the English words.

costume / costume = custom

disgrace / desgraça = accident, misfortune

disgust / desgaste = worn-out

distracted / distraido = absent-minded

educated / educado = polite, well-mannered

expect / esperar = to hope, to wait

expert / esperto = intelligent, sly

facilities / facilidades = proficiency

familiar / familiar = decent, respectable or to do with family

impressive / impressionante = impressive, but in either positive or negative terms whereas in English it has only a positive connotation.

intend / entender = understand

library / livraria = bookshop

local / local = place, as in location

lunch / lanche = snack

ordinary / ordinário = base, vulgar

parents / parentes = relatives

presently / presentemente = at the moment, right now

pretend / pretender = to intend, to plan

primarily / primeiramente = first

push / puxe = pull

rat / rato = mouse

real / real = royal, sure

revere / rever = to see again, to check, to revise.

sensible / sensivel = sensitive. Use the word sensato to describe somebody as sensible

vulgar / vulgar = ordinary 

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